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How Long Can Dough Be Refrigerated?

how long can dough be refrigerated

Can Dough Be Stored In The Fridge?

So first off, is it even helpful to store dough in the fridge? 

Yes! Any dough from bread to pizza will have a slightly prolonged life by being stored in the fridge. It won’t boost it’s lifespan long but will help alleviate any bacteria growth for a few days. 

Does Refrigerated Dough Go Bad?

I have yet to find food that doesn’t go bad with enough time, the real question is if it’ll go bad soon. The refrigerated dough does eventually go bad but will last anywhere between 2-4 days. This can vary depending on the kind of dough made and any extra ingredients added. 

Some doughs may be able to last longer, but it’s recommended to not try and push the timeframe. 

How Long Can Dough Be Refrigerated?

It’s been mentioned that dough does eventually go bad and at most will last 4 days (if you’re pushing it). It’s recommended not to let it sit for too long and best to use the dough within 2 days. 

The longer the dough sits in the fridge, the longer it risks becoming a danger to your health. 

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