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Caramel Sauce vs Syrup – Which To Choose?


What Is Caramel Sauce?

Caramel sauce is a delicious topping that can be used on numerous desserts. The essential components are sugar, butter, and whipping cream.

It’s not that difficult to make and can be made at home or bought. Personally, I’d rather just make it as I can make exactly how much I need. 

There are plenty of recipes to help make it, but the gist is that it’s nothing more than caramelized sugar with some additives. 

What Is Caramel Syrup?

Caramel syrup is also made from caramelizing sugar and adding water, vanilla extract, and sometimes corn syrup. Caramel syrup is another sweet topping for desserts and commonly flavored coffees. 

Caramel Sauce vs Syrup

So what’s the difference between caramel sauce and caramel syrup, and is one better than the other?

Like most toppings in cooking, one isn’t better than the other. However, one may be better for certain foods or for someone’s personal tastes. 

The main difference between the two is the different ingredients used. These different ingredients change the consistency and make for various concoctions. For example, caramel sauce uses a cream that makes the sauce smooth and great for dipping or dripped desserts. 

Alternatively, caramel syrup is only sugar and water (sometimes with vanilla extract) and has a thinner syrup consistency. This is why it’s usually used in coffee or mixed drinks. 

So to summarize, caramel sauce is great for dipping or dripping on desserts, caramel syrup is best used in coffees or mixed drinks. 

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