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FoodFood InformationGluten Free

Is Capri Sun Gluten Free?

is capri sun gluten free

Is Capri Sun Gluten Free?

Yes Capri Sun is gluten free and so are it’s associated flavors. If you’ve been having a reaction to drinking a Capri Sun, it may be caused by something else if you’re celiac sensitive.

Are there other questions regarding Capri Sun? Check below for some frequently asked questions!

Does Capri Sun Have Any Nutrients?

The content of a Capri Sun will always have around 10-12% fruit juice. Despite this, there aren’t many nutrients in a Capri Sun as shown on their label which displays 0% for all vitamins and iron listed. 

Do You Need To Refrigerate Capri Sun?

A Capri Sun doesn’t need to be refrigerated. The packaging will keep it cooler than other juices regardless of if it’s refrigerated or not. But if you want it cooler, then I recommend doing so if that’s your preference. 

How Much Sugar is in Capri Sun?

In a single pouch of Capri Sun, you’ll consume around 13g of sugar. This isn’t really a lot or a little, as many natural fruit drinks will have similar or more natural sugars in them.

Are Capri Suns Dairy Free?

Yes, Capri Suns are dairy free. In fact, no Capri Sun product contains any form of lactose. So, if you’re lactose intolerant, consider Capri Suns perfectly okay to drink!


Yes Capri Suns are gluten free and you have nothing to worry about if you suffer from celiac disease!

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