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How to Cook a Turkey Breast in a Roaster Oven


How To Cook A Turkey Breast in a Roaster Oven

There are a lot of aspects that encompass how to properly cook a turkey breast in a roaster oven. The gist is after all of your appropraite seasonings and preparation for the turkey (including stuffing), then it’s best to treat it as you would cooking in a normal oven. The rule of thumb at 350F is to cook the turkey for 15-17 minutes for every pound of the turkey. 

Also, most cooking times include about 30 minutes near the end to cook the turkey uncovered. While this is a great rule of thumb, you might not need to depending on your roaster oven. The reason it’s uncovered is to cook the skin and make it nice and brown. That same effect won’t be achieved if you’re using a roaster oven. 

Should You Put Water in the Bottom of a Roaster Oven?

The purpose of a roaster oven is to roast, not steam. So, putting water in the bottom of the pan defeats the purpose and won’t be necessary to keep the meat moist as it will be basted often. 

Do You Cook a Turkey Covered or Uncovered?

Generally you want to keep a turkey covered with a lid or foil while it cooks to ensure it doesn’t dry out and uncover when the turkey is almost done. You should also baste the turkey every half hour or so to help keep it moist in addition to the cover. After the turkey is almost done, uncover it to let the skin cook and thoroughly brown. 

Should You Cook a Turkey at 325F or 350F?

The general range to cook a turkey is between 325 and 350, but there’s no specific standard as every oven/roaster will be slightly different. Cooking at a lower temperature will take longer than at a higher temperature. But, if you cook the turkey at too high of a temperature, the meat will dry out. That being said, I prefer to start at the lowest (325F in this case) and work my way up next time if it took too long or didn’t cook thoroughly. 

How Many Minutes Per Pound do you Cook a Turkey?

The general rule of thumb is you should cook a turkey for 15 to 17 minutes per pound when cooking.


Cooking a turkey in a roaster oven is a great alternative to the traditional method of a standard oven. That being said you should make sure to cook at no more than 350F and not put any water in the pan. 

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